
Showing posts from May, 2011

Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante

Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Parenting Matter Anyone?

Photo source by: Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak on Flickr Have you realized that each one of us, as a parent has a strikingly different approach to bringing up children? This can become a serious issue when children have to be left in the care of others. When it comes to such issues in child rearing; a few ounces of junk foods, an extra hour in watching TV is not going to have a lasting effect, although our children may request those things at home. For countless generations we have listened to children’s heartfelt cries of “but my friend’s Dad lets him do it!” even when friend’s Dad has never done anything of that sort. “Kids can distinguish between different rules in different settings. They know that there are different rules for other homes and for their homes,” says an expert. Sometimes the concerns stem from differences in values. For example, one family might be orthodox or very conservative while the other liberal or the two may simply have beliefs that do not preach quite t...

About Children and Smoking

Children who smoke are more susceptible to coughs and increased phlegm and more prone to chest illness. A recent study revealed that children who smoke are three times more likely to have time off school. The earlier children become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults, the greater their risk of dying prematurely. In terms of fitness, a child who smokes will have poorer cardio-respiratory system and find aerobic exercise more difficult. Smoke articles irritate the lining of the lungs and smoking can reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells. This means that the heart and muscles cannot work as efficiently as they receive less oxygen. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : ABOUT CHILDREN AND SMOKING ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'...