
Showing posts from March, 2012

6 Little Spending Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Financial Freedom

Photo Source: "Financial Freedom by Nicci Chicago, on Flickr"> Can't seem to get ahead financially? Debts piling up? Maybe you're making some of these mistakes unknowingly. These mistakes listed below will help you understand where you may be going wrong and how to get back on track quickly. You can be debt free. Mistake 1. Living Beyond Your Means This is the real cause of your worry and stress. If you are spending more than you are earning, whose money are you spending? It's the credit card provider's or the bank. The cost of this money is interest. The way out - Make a Commitment to yourself only to spend within your income limits. Maybe you could increase your income (or cash in) by applying for more skilled positions, selling some of your unused articles or assets. Is the second car really a necessity? What about working out ways to make your hobby pay for itself? Why not find ways to reduce your spending? How much would you save each ye...

Dating Tips For a Man: What A Woman Needs #FamilyLife

Photo Source: "perfect date, udaipur by nevil zaveri, on Flickr"> If you're asking, "What do women really want?" whether for dating, romance or relationships the answer is simple. Women really want a man who is self confident. Now, we said self-confident. We didn't say arrogant, obnoxious, filled with his own self-importance, or so narcissistic that he thinks he's more special than any of the ordinary people of this world. A man who is self-confident believes that he has the strength to tackle adversity, has or can learn the skills to make a happy and successful life for himself and his family, and believes so strongly in himself that he isn't threatened by an equally strong and self-confident woman. That is what women really want. To achieve this self-confidence that women really want from their partners, doesn't mean that you turn into macho man. You don't have to develop the physique of Arnold Schwarzenegger or the swagger of J...

Retirement, A Cruel and Unusual Punishment #FamilyLife

Can you imagine being retired with nothing to do? Would it not be one of the cruellest punishments you could imagine? Does sitting in front of the TV, day in and day out, sound like a fulfilling way to live? Malcolm S. Forbes said "Retirement kills more people than hard work ever did". Fortunately we have time to plan our retirement. Think about the question "What are you going to do when?" -- you grow up? -- you graduate? -- you retire? For the first two stages of life we have very little time to decide. We could spend a lot more time on plans for the third phase. When it comes to retirement, we know that an enjoyable and peaceful retirement comes with good planning long before you actually retire. Retirement planning is about learning how to spend your time and not just how to spend your money. You need to understand the best way to use your time, to keep busy and enjoy everything you desire to do. Of course having enough money put away is the number one fa...

Inquiries for Love Relationships #FamilyLife

Photo Source: "Love Love Love by Gregory Jordan, on Flickr"> Everybody has asked his or her companion or spouse inquiries at one moment or another. All of us clearly would like to understand elements about the ones that we adore. We need to understand their likes, dislikes, and greatest preferences in order to recognize an efficient connect with them. But, what about the deeper, darker things? Have you believed that the answers you receive from precise questions can either be the difference among separation and staying together? The book titled 1000 Questions For Couples may help you discover aspects about your boyfriend or girlfriend that you may have otherwise never ever found without having read this guide. This powerful tool will let you detect who your spouse genuinely is underneath it all. Did you already know that most divorces won't happen if those people knew precisely what inquiries to question their spouses? You will find distinct inquiries that yo...