Tired of Being Uninspired in Your Life? #FamilyLife

Inspiration, Webster calls it a high level of activity or feeling that causes one to take action. In your life, right now, what would you call it? Your goals expectations, your online endeavors, your relationships with other online people or your career in real life – would you call them inspirational? Can you easily push yourself and consistently get the results you want? Or are you spurred on to great achievement when you are near special people and places? Many people find it very difficult to push themselves to great achievement by themselves. Most people need that outside source of encouragement. That encouragement could come in the form of words. It could be something that was said to you or something that you said to others that caused a major rumble in you or someone else’s life. Words can be powerful motivators. Think of a chance remark you made to a friend, something you put out of your mind immediately. The next thing you know, your friend is telling you abo...