The Drama of Oplan Exodus Fact-Finding Team #FamilyLife

The world watched as multiple “fact-finding” and “independent” probes ended shamelessly with a whitewash of Pnoy’s glaring culpability. But will Alan Purisima and Getulio Napenas now be charged and jailed? The speculations of many Filipinos were satisfied temporarily with the Board of Inquiry (BOI) final report which made them the first fact-finding authority to divulge the incident. But it made another doubts to the “Doubting Thomases of Philippine Politics” that Pnoy really deviate the Oplan Exodus to military blunder. It’s with this report that Oplan Exodus was not totally planned and executed with lots of flaws in coordination on the side of the military leaders on the ground. While the nation awaits true justice for SAF 44,President Pnoy’s moro-moro with the MILF and his all-out war with the BIFF are surely dooming the prospect for true and lasting peace in Mindanao. For its defence, the MILF claims “misencounter” that lasted eight hours or so. Some say 12 hours. The real ...