Rex Education Showcases Lifelong Learning Solutions at the 2022 CEAP National Convention

Don Timothy Buhain, Rex Education chief executive officer; Atty. Joseph Noel Estrada, author; Atty. Dominador Buhain, Rex Education chairman and president; and Danda Crimelda Buhain, Rex Education chief external affairs officer at the book signing of “Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers 2023 Edition” After two virtual events during the pandemic, the 2022 Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) National Convention is back on ground with Rex Education and a strong delegation of educators, school heads, and superintendents from all over the country. Situated within the post-pandemic context, the 2022 CEAP National Convention hopes to bring together the learnings and experiences of schools who are recovering slowly from the challenges of the past 2 years, and help them and all educators and learners collaborate more to move education forward progressively and spiritually. The theme, “Pilgrims of Hope Moving Forward in Synodality,” is inspired from the Holy Y...