Marriage Breakdown: What Causes Them? #FamilyLife

Marriage Breakdown: What Causes Them? You've seen it before, a marriage breakdown. It may not have even been you, but maybe you're parents, or a friend's parents. Perhaps even a friend and their spouse. But no matter where you've seen a marriage breakdown, you will decide at that point it's something you will never hope to experience for yourself. Though a couple who is happy a lot of the time, may have a lot easier time working through marriage breakdown problems. It's a lot harder to want to quite a relationship in which you are always happen, with little down time. Or would you more quickly give up a marriage where you were always fighting? The answer is obvious in those two questions. If it was your parents, you may have found out many of the problems that caused the marriage breakdown. But it's pretty hard not too as your listening to them yell most of the time around you. As a child there isn't much that you can do to help out, but just s...