When and How to Plan a Family #FamilyLife

When and How to Plan a Family

Planning a family basically means figuring out when you want children, how many you want, and how long you choose to wait between pregnancies. It is always recommended that you discuss these things before marriage. It is going to be a major sticking point in a relationship if you want four children and your partner’s idea of family is a parakeet.

When to have a family is also important. If you are in your twenties or early thirties and wish to have children, you have several years for doing so. If you are in your late thirties or older, having children may be an immediate priority. This is true for both men and women. Although most men are physically capable of fathering children throughout their lives, they should be young enough to participate actively in the raising of the children. If you father a child when you are 51 years old, you will be 72 when the child graduates from college. This is something to consider when you make the decision to become a parent.

Any plan should leave room for flexibility. Priorities and situations may change during the course of a relationship. Both partners should be aware of this possibility and be flexible to the shifting situations.

Almost no couple expects problems with fertility or conception when they plan a family. Yet approximately 10 percent of all couples have enough difficulty conceiving that they require fertility testing or treatment.

For those whom infertility is not an issue, planning pregnancies involves decisions about birth control and spacing of pregnancies.


  1. I like this post. It reminded me of how much we planned and planned only to end up with 1 kid. If I had known I have difficulties in conceiving then, I would have gotten more kids after my first born.

    I hope people will be wiser to know that raising kids involve costs and that parents-to-be should consider their finances before taking the plunge to have numerous kids. It is a huge responsibility you cannot pass to others.


  2. It's important to plan the family size in order to also be able to ensure that the kids have a good future.

  3. the responsibilities of having a family is very big, so both should be responsible enough to face the biggest challenge they will ever have in their life.

  4. I think there should be a subject in school to properly teach children / teens about this too.

  5. Family planning should be one of the main priority of a couple. I agree that spacing should be consider for health purposes.

  6. You should be an advocate for family planning especially in remote areas in Pinas. They don't have this kind of concept.

  7. Having a well planned family is also a guarantee of a good future for the kids.

  8. I should have read this 40 years ago. That way I could have guided by your insightful thoughts. Nonetheless, I have a happy family, thanks to god for the wisdom He had given me.

  9. I am one of those people who have a hard time during pregnancy. I have 2 kids and I want more. I wish i had babies when I was in my 30's.

  10. Thanks for the tips. Starting a family is one of the biggest challenges in life for me.

  11. Parenthood is a serious responsibility which requires people to make decisions responsibly,

  12. at this generation, family planning is really a must.. it's notonly about the family but we have to think for the future of the children.. the kind of life we have is so dreadful and we have a harsher environment . If i would be cruel to have my child experience those

  13. This topic is something that does not interest me as of the moment since I'm still single :) But I will go back to this article when I get my own family soon!

  14. Sadly, I've got very serious fertility problems and planning a family traditionally is quite a challenge:( We're still keeping the faith though!


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