Apologizing Is Not An Option, It's A Sign Of Weakness #FamilyLife

Traffic congestion’s a constant occurrence in every sector of Metro Manila especially in the main road at EDSA. Motorists are trying their very best to use this road as much as possible for easy route going to and fro with their daily jobs. Daily commuters are notably sacrificing everyday just to make ends meet, and this heavy traffic makes them more intolerant of being the nicest people in the world.

Thus, our transportation system along these many roads of Metro Manila are not capable of giving minimum service to the riding public because of mismanagement of our leaders. The Aquino Administration are trying their very best to give solutions to these problems, but they cannot decipher the immediate right application that could lessen the burden of the Filipino people especially in the cities like Metro Manila.

Why this present administration could not altogether plan and compose their resources, take long-term solutions to these problems and anticipate Philippine Development 5 to 10 years from now? There’s always the projection of whatever projects or actions they’ll going to make for the good of the present situation and in the future. Nevertheless, political leaders are equipped with brains and resources to do their government jobs, and why they could decipher the things that are needed in combatting the present crisis in transportation.

Look at what happened to MRT3 management done by DOTC and MRTC which resulted to a series of problems that the riding public is nowhere to depend upon of their fears in riding the MRT3 train system. In addition, the fiasco of the former MRT-3 General Manager Al S. Vitangcol III really conformed that the politically inclined people were doing their own monkey business besides the public contract that they’re working about. Still, train breakdowns are a constant occurrence in the MRT3 every now and then. What could be the core problems and solutions to these breakdowns? Is it the mismanagement of the government side or the strategic plan of MRTC?

Considering the truck ban imposed by Mayor Joseph Estrada, proved to be a popular initiative as the once snarled traffic in the city eased up and commuters were spared of the usual agony of enduring an hour for a two to three kilometer ride in a public transport.

Manila Mayor Estrada passed an ordinance without thinking of its consequences to its neighboring cities and the entire Metropolis. The transportation operators shouted foul for this kind of ordinance. Also, the truck ban that gave drivers, employees, employers and the business sector a headache. However, the ban reduced the delivery trips of cargo vans which carry commodities in and out of the Manila ports. The ports became congested from the backlog in undelivered and empty crates as the movement of trucks became limited.

Implementing something that did not improve the situation; that only make it worse, then change the plan. There's no wrong with trying another solution until it succeed.

The Pinoy Administration must have the power to intervene immediately to give solutions when worst comes to worst. They will act accordingly and provide the services that the Filipinos wanted them to do. In the first place, the Filipino people voted them to lead not to lame like a duck in the wilderness.

The government leader apologizing to the public on the mismanagement of the MRT3 and the traffic in the Metro Manila is a sign of weakness.

Therefore, these problems could be solved by acting immediate response and applying long-term solutions for the betterment of the Philippines in the next generation to come.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you:ILONGGO AKO NOON...OFW AKO NGAYONand my other blog:OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.


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