Chaos Theory Versus The Fallen 44 Incident #FamilyLife

At the onset of the Fallen 44, more angles of the incident are spreading like wildfire. Sentiments of Filipino nation are engulfed with hatred, finger-pointing and even quoting sentences to paragraphs which molded the “Chaos Theory” into a bigger scene.

Chaos theory: The crazier the incident at Mamasapano the more angles are being dug up. Pinpointing is one of its main elements. Seeking the truth is another. Feelings is just another. The more participants to be involved, the more angles are spreading in all directions. The solution’s vague.

All sorts of media including millions of social media users are among the elements that put forward for this theory to succeed. Ordinary citizens too, are another angle that made this news to widen in untimely manner.

Filipinos showed their feelings to the Fallen 44 because that’s part of its characteristic of being Filipino. Their feelings showed but their minds are overcome by what they felt about it while others, showed sentiments by not thinking the legal complications of the military operations.

President Aquino was the center of people’s sentiments at the onset of this Fallen 44. Likewise, he has been judged negatively and personally criticized by the majority. This is the biggest hole of his leadership before election 2016. His Administration are still changing the face of political system especially corruptions in the government.

According to Wikipedia; a military operation is the coordinated military actions of a state in response to a developing situation. These actions are designed as a military plan to resolve the situation in the state's favor. Operations may be of a combat or non-combat nature and are referred to by a code name for the purpose of security. Military operations are often known for their more generally accepted common usage names than their actual operational objectives.

“Parallel to and reflecting this framework for operations are organized elements within the armed forces which prepare for and conduct operations at various levels of war. While there is a general correlation between the size of units, the area within which they operate, and the scope of mission they perform, the correlation is not absolute. In fact, it is ultimately the mission that a unit performs that determines the level of war within which it operates.”—David M. Glantz, Soviet Military Operational Art.

Types of military operations

Military operations can be classified by the scale and scope of force employment, and their impact on the wider conflict. The scope of military operations can be:

Theater: this describes an operation over a large, often continental, area of operation and represents a strategic national commitment to the conflict, such as Operation Barbarossa, with general goals that encompass areas of consideration outside of the military, such as the economic and political impact.

Campaign: this describes either a subset of the theatre of operation, or a more limited geographic and operational strategic commitment, such as the Battle of Britain, and need not represent total national commitment to a conflict, or have broader goals outside of the military impact.

Battle: this describes a subset of a campaign that will have specific military goals and geographic objectives, as well as clearly defined use of forces.

Engagement: this describes a tactical combat event or contest for a specific area or objective by actions of distinct units.

Strike: this describes a single attack, upon a specified target. This often forms part of a broader engagement. Strikes have an explicit goal, such as rendering facilities such as airports inoperable, assassinating enemy leaders, or limiting the delivery of supplies to enemy troops.

The Fallen 44 had done their share in doing their jobs to our country. Eliminating international terrorists are the mission of SAF, in which at the vicinity of BIFF and MILF. Any ordinary person can immediately understand why these fugitives are in the area of MILF who have an ongoing peace talks with the government.

To hasten the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) now is to kill the prospects for truth and justice for the Fallen 44. It’s should be solved by the parties involve first. This should be studied first before resuming its finality. A people betrayed have lost their dignity because betrayal is an affront to dignity. That dignity must first be restored in the only way possible—accountability. Time and again, the MILF leader cannot discipline his men under him, what more under this new law for them?

The government has to form the Truth Commission to investigate the incident and hold back for the finality of BBL until justice is served.

While we anticipate for the result, better that Filipino people must remain calm and not adding fire to the chaos. Even the media people must refrain from adding their own investigative reports as much as possible. They have to coordinate with the Truth Commission for proper disposal to the people.


  1. Even if Filipinos are not related in any way to those Fallen 44, they have shared the grief and showed concerns to their family members. Pres. Aquino is hated by the public and I think he just deserves it.

  2. we all cry for justice and peace....but the saddest part of this tragedy i guess are people who are riding with the issue to forward their own personal/political interest :(

  3. Finger-pointing, reacting impulsively are but natural for every Filipino. As of this writing, nothing is sober as far as blaming and hurling unfounded accusation to the President is concerned. Finding fault is easy. worse when it is pre-judgmental in nature.

  4. I think we need a neutral truth commission as there are so many angles already which become even more complicated with partisan politics. We grieve for the 44 but let the truth prevail.


  5. This news has been very depressing. I hope it shines light on our nation's issues

  6. This really made me sad. I couldn't believe that they died just like that. Who fault is this really? Our officials will never accept that it's their fault and that is the most irritating thing about our government.

  7. This casualties could have been prevented had there been proper coordination. My heart goes out to the grieving families of these fallen SAF soldiers.

  8. My heart goes out to the 44 fallen and their families. I really hope that justice be served to them.

  9. I am saddened with what happened to the fallen 44. I hope that justice will be served.

  10. There's no use in pointing fingers now. May the truth prevail and justice be served. Thoughts and prayers to the families of the fallen.


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