Dreaming a Beautiful...

dreaming, life, beautiful, Philippines, writer, loved ones, self-confidence, family
What a Beautiful Picture~, originally uploaded by Joey KY Li.

I joined the The Filipino Diaspora through Triond online community of writers. I published my writings and made a bunch of friends. Really, for my daily lives here in the Philippines, I've got my energy through interacting with online writers, and I never got tired in browsing the net. It was my innate dream to be a published writer ever since. The fact was, I challenge myself to create things that I cannot do inside and outside my limits. But, it's also a fact, that I discovered that I can do all of it without hesitation.

My self-confidence was getting higher and higher everytime I completed a task, which needs my inner soul to help me what I wanted to do.

Neverthrless, life is nothing without sacrifice, a sacrifice for your loved ones. Knowing that those people around me, could provide love and support for what I am experiencing right now. I loved them as much as I loved myself. Dreaming to give them the best in the world and the beast that I could give to them in my own simple way.

Ranging from what I experienced working in the Middle East, my thoughts for my life had never so naive, for even dreaming of something comfortable and beautiful were the only hope that I could imagined.

So, for now, I'm energetic with what I am doing and praying that my life....in real life, can fathom the essence of being lonely. Dreaming a beautiful life (like in a picture) is always my agenda while I'm here in my abode, the Philippines.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you:FX777 THE WRITERand one of the member of online community of writers::THE FILIPINO DIASPORA Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.


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