Just Tonight

At this moment in time, I'm very much worried about whatever endeavor that I could make with my life. Knowing for sure, that I worked in the Middle for quite some time or I can say, since the year 1985.

I am writing these things just to release the pain I have inside for too long. I accept that my life could be beautiful if I could change my past. Nevertheless, this is my life now, and I have to go on living, just for the sake of living. I'm not emotional at all, but I have to 'cause this is my way of living.

One Food Company in the Middle East, again, trying to recuit me to work there. At first, I was so glad that I could turn my fate into something beautiful again. You know why? because I'm back to where I spent my whole life, being here in the Philipines is not good for me.

Starting 1985, I worked in the Middle East and that thing comprises my blog. Little by little it must written here personally by myself.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you:FX777 THE WRITERand one of the member of online community of writers::THE FILIPINO DIASPORA Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.


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