Success Now, Success Always

Success, Development, Projections, Plans, Determination, Fruitful, Life, Lucky, Work, Help, Dreams, Ambition

About the Author
Whenever I find myself demotivated or I'm seeking encouragement, I like to read quotes and sayings of highly successful people on success and life. Success is contagious, as you read other people speaking about their success, you cannot help but be positively affected by their energy and enthusiasm. Here are a few fascinating success sayings that I was able to find online that you might read.

Being successful is sometimes viewed as achieving a goal or simply getting to a certain stage in life, a position in a social environment or a corporation structure. This kind of viewpoint, that success is a stage, is frequently misleading, the fact is, success is the power to keep going, even with resistance, and by resistance I am talking about both internal or even external resistance, that could be, any situation that pushes you back again or simply prevents your success, whether it's a feeling, emotion, or maybe an external element such as relative or a colleague.

This kind of viewpoint of success as being a process is actually much more practical than the success-as-a-stage view. What I am here to share with you is that, when you start seeing matters in these terms, when you finally start mastering this process, and by mastering I mean managing the process, not only can you be successful, but you would also acquire self confidence in your own capacity to do the same process all the time in a variety of situations, and still be successful. Bearing that in mind, why don't we free ourselves from the traditional interpretation of success being a point and focus on that which is actually required to be successful in life.

You have to be constantly aware of your goals: Oftentimes we forget what our own goals are, and by forget I don't imply that you totally forget your goals, but there are actually instances when things tend to dominate our brain space in such a way that we no longer are actively seeking our originally planned goals, all of us have a reasonably limited attention span, our brains could primarily devote itself to a single main item at a time, whenever this happens we briefly lose sight of other activities in our minds. You need to be mindful of this, you have to learn the ability to notice the very moment when you begin drifting off to other areas in life, areas that use up your mental space and are not really aiding you in attaining your goals.

Know the elements which have been regularly standing in the way of your success: You need to take notice every time an issue begins getting in the way of your success, this really is often a subtle feeling, like fear or laziness, it isn't always easy to notice. Learn how to stand back and watch how these emotions affect you in both short-term and long-term, how they influence your ability to make the proper decisions that could help you accomplish your desired goals.

Build a positive attitude: Developing a positive mind-set means getting rid of all feelings of hate, envy and bitterness and changing them with love, courage and hope. Very often, we've set our goals in the first place mainly because we have been angry about some thing, and we want to change it, this sensation of being upset is effective to some extent, it will provide us the basis to keep going whenever we're feeling down, but it also can very quickly turn into a negative feeling when we're not careful, when this happens we find ourselves caught in a loop, we are upset that we can't attain our goals, and we cannot achieve our goals because we've been upset. Never let yourself get caught in this kind of never-ending vicious circle of failure. Learn to be always perceptive of this effect, when it takes place, calmly remind yourself that this feeling is absolutely not helping you, it may also help to whisper it calmly to yourself: "This emotion is not helping me; I'll not allow this kind of harmful sensation to impact me"

Keep in mind that your friends' intentions are often good: People worry about change. When you start making an active, visible effort, they will start observing that you are changing. Frequently, this tends to make them fear that you simply will not continue to be the same person they've used to know and also like. Remember that they are really not against your success, they're simply worrying. You need conscious of this and let them know that you've set goals for yourself and that this would not impact your current relationship with them by any means. In this manner, you turn them into allies, assisting you in the act of achieving your goals, as opposed to obstacles.

Know that the real key to success is practice: We have talked about this before, but I'm going to mention it once again here, success is a process, whenever you correctly execute this process you become better at being successful, sure, it's difficult initially, however once you learn to follow the simple steps I have outlined in this article, it gets as easy as anything else you do in life.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you:A LIFE SO FAR AWAYand my other blog:OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.


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