
Showing posts from 2011

Get Back Together With My Partner #FamilyLife

"Lovers by fridgeirsson, on Flickr"> What is the correct way of attempting to get your ex back? It's a difficult issue, and one which leaves even the brightest among us scratching our heads. We have to start by thinking about the accident which brought about the separation. When we've done that, we need to decide on our reasoning for the decision we want to get back together with our ex. Breakups don't transpire without a reason, and there's a chance it's just not meant to be. For all that, if something inside you makes you assertive that you are supposed to be together then please read on. Last time around things didn't go too well with you and your ex. Is there anything to suggest that the relationship would be different if you made up at this juncture? It's not likely that you'll do well together unless you learn to compromise with each other. Have you both matured, or are you still very much the same people as before? More importa...

Really Men and Women Are Created Equal in Exercises and Sports? #FamilyLife

Really Men and Women Are Created Equal in Exercises and Sports? If men and women are essentially equal, can they take up the same sports? Can they participate in the same exercise regimens? Can they fill in their leisure hours with the same recreational activities? They can, and they should. Women are taking up weight training, to name one example. Women are learning that bodily strength need not necessarily mean bulging biceps and triceps, and that they can be strong and healthy as a result of exercise and athletic endeavor – while also looking and feeling – more graceful and attractive. Increasingly, women are taking up exercise programs; indeed, many more women than men of comparable ages are going into sports activities. And, they are developing the exercise and sports-recreation programs that best suit their temperament and tastes. Jogging is only one of many possible answers. There are some physiological differences between men and women that are of special relevance in...

The Realities Of Life #FamilyLife

The Realities Of Life #FamilyLife For many people, much of life consists of trying to keep a balance, as though they are fighting to keep on their feet amidst a vast crowd of people who are pushing and shoving them around. It seems that life demands we become professional jugglers. We want to do our jobs well, to bring up our children well. To romance our loved ones, to spend time with friends, time with our family and time with ourselves. In this complicated world that we have created, we also want to take care of our homes, our cars, our bodies, our heads, our hearts, our souls. We also want to play sports, enjoy hobbies and nurture outside interests. We want all of this, and as if this wasn't enough – to complicate matters further – we want on top of it all, more money, more power, more recognition, more possessions, more of everything. The trouble is we can't have it. And we can't have it for the simple reason that we don't have the time. And even if we did, on...

Try Online Jobs Search Engines To Help In Searching For Careers #FamilyLife

"Sleeping on the Job? by FindYourSearch, on Flickr"> Do you find yourself or a loved one a victim of the recent economic crisis? If that it the case then you already know how important having access to eligible jobs can be. One thing you can use that can augment your current job search is to use online job search engines. They function as an effective way to get those that have jobs with the people seeking to fill those jobs. That is how they work on a basic level. They also provide you a couple of other benefits like access to work from home money making opportunities and smaller job banks. We will cover each of these in the remainder of this article Job Banks That Aren't That Popular Even in this current economic environment there are still a lot of jobs that are open that are not being filled because no one knows about them. There are a number of reasons that this is true but it comes down to the fact that these positions are being added to job banks which...

Formatting A Business Letter #FamilyLife

A business letter is different compared to a normal informal letter. If you want to write one, it is important to know all the steps and procedures. This article will help you in writing one. There are people all over the world who do not know how to write a business letter, and end up making mistakes. With the help of these few tips and guidelines, you need not ever make the mistakes again. Date The date should be mentioned at least 2 or 3 lines, below the letterhead. And it should be given in full, i.e. date, month and year. Address The basics of writing a good business letter are easy to learn and very important. When it comes to formatting, you will be required to write the address of the person or the company at the top left of the paper. The address of your company should be at the right of the center of the page. In the inside address write the name and address of the person to whom the letter is addressed to. Remember to include everything in the to and from addres...

Reaching for The Sky? #FamilyLife

The Great Pyramid of Cheops, Ulm Cathedral, St. Peter’s, the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower….for millennia, the world’s tallest buildings have been occidental. As we approach the first quarter of the new millennium, however, the tallest buildings in the world are no longer in Africa, Europe and the United States, but in the rapidly growing cities of the Far East (Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong and Chongqing) and the Middle East (Dubai) are shooting skywards at a pace that makes the great New York and Chicago building booms of 1900-1930 appear almost tame. Not only are the tallest buildings soaring but brand new cities are also reaching for the sky. Shenzhen, to the north of Kowloon, is a special economic zone in the People’s Republic of China. It is also one of the fastest growing cities in the world. The scale of these skyscrapers is astonishing. The Petronas of Kuala Lumpur is designed by Cesar Pelli, the Argentine-born, New York-based architect, the...

Why Not Make Your Fortune the Easy Way? #FamilyLife

It isn’t easy to make a fortune the old-fashioned way, no matter what you’ve heard. It means learning a trade, then slogging your way up the corporate ladder from mailroom to first broom to vice president, and so on. Nor is it any easier getting a bright idea and starting a business. Bright ideas by themselves are worth nothing. Even if the idea is brilliant – like making small cars with giant rubber bumpers to reduce the danger and severity of accidents on the freeways – it is a long road between conception and making a fortune. So, why not make your fortune the easy way, by osmosis? No having to develop real estate, or drill for oil, or trade options – all those things you don’t have the foggiest notion about. All you have to do is sidle up to a proper billionaire, and “presto transfuso” you will make a fortune by osmosis. Here’s how: 1) Selecting the Target: Identifying your target billionaire is the first order of business. This is complicated by the fact that many ...

A Compendium of Bizarre, Idiotic and Lurid News from the Past (Series 1) #FamilyLife

Colonel Qaddafi Hooked On three Stooges: According to a former friend of the Libyan dictator, Muammar Qaddafi is still so infuriated over the United States’ bombing of Tripoli that he prefers to remain in his tent and watch old Three Stooges movies. “He just sits there, watching his Stooges videotapes and pouting like a spoiled child,” says Ali Adjina, who has defected to France. “He used to idolize world leaders and men of war like Napoleon and Alexander the Great. Now he looks up to nobody but Larry, Moe, and Curly!” After a friend gave Qaddafi three racing camels in an effort to cheer him up, the colonel had them killed and stuffed, then placed them outside his tent with signs around their necks bearing the names of the Stooges. “The colonel has gone off the deep end before, but I’m afraid this time he’s gone for good.” states Adjina. “The other day he started laughing to himself in that idiotic way the fat Stooge does….I tried to tell him it wasn’t right for a man of his s...

A Compendium of Bizarre, Idiotic and Lurid News from the Past (Series 2) #FamilyLife

Doomed Cannibals Ate AIDS Victim: A Brunei, Borneo, cannibal tribe may be doomed after feasting on a scientist infected with AIDS. Gerard Voisard, 28 of Geneva, Switzerland, had been diagnosed as having AIDS-Related Complex before he entered the country; and his journal revealed that the disease had fully matured. “This is a tragedy beyond measure,” says Ian Brinsdon, a Brunei Health Official. “Our government has spent a fortune trying to preserve and protect the primitive people of our jungle. Now, in one swift and cruel stroke, an entire tribe has been doomed to extinction. It’s only a matter of time before they all have AIDS.” Although the government is currently trying to persuade the tribesmen to undergo testing for the disease. “The outcome of these negotiations is still in limbo,” adds Brinsdon. “The cannibals are wary of outsiders to begin with. And they have absolutely no conception of the seriousness of AIDS.” (Weekly World News – submitted by C. Kaplan, New York...

Understanding Chinese Yin and Yang in the Field of Medicine (Chapter 1) #FamilyLife

Some patients regard acupuncture needle pricks as pain. In China, a doctor would be thought of as incompetent if the needles did not cause a certain degree of discomfort. The fact that this discipline has survived thousand of years, through so much change and so many upheavals is regarded by many as proof of its efficacy. The Chinese method of healing is more than 2,000 years old, and, like the rest of China’s history, meticulously recorded; its discoveries, methodology and application being handed from generation, making Chinese medicine today the sum total of the accumulated experiences of past masters of the art. The earliest medical classic in China, now extant, is the Huangdi Neijing, or Canon of Medicine, dating back to 500 – 300 B.C. It states the Chinese belief that imbalances in the body’s circulatory system are the cause of all diseases. The body says Chinese tradition, is mapped by meridian lines (or channels) which carry energy and are connected to 1000 pressure p...

Understanding Chinese Yin and Yang in the Field of Medicine (Chapter 2) #FamilyLife

Chinese doctors have a set of diagnostic rules to detect the various types of pain. An ache at the back of the head is usually characteristic of stagnation in the channels governing the urinary bladder and top of the liver. Chinese techniques, acupuncture in particular, is especially suitable for most kinds of sharp or acute pain. Relief is often instantaneous and permanent. Chronic pain usually takes some time to respond to treatment. To understand the principles of Chinese medicine, it is essential to grasp the essence of Chinese philosophy and its central concepts of yin and yang forces in nature, at once opposing yet independent – male and female, negative and positive, call them what you like. Every object or phenomenon in the universe is compounded of these two aspects. The Chinese masters describe a complex law of the unity of opposites that operates between yin and yang. If the masculine force, yang, embodies fire and all that is bright, hot, upwardly mobile, and a...

Understanding Chinese Yin and Yang in the Field of Medicine (Chapter 3) #FamilyLife

Massage plays an important role in treatment for maladies as varied as fractures and arthritis. Massage seems to have been commonly used even in the Sui and Tang dynasties (158 – 907 BC). During the Ming dynasty, it was considered one of the 13 major branches of Chinese medicine, and its numerous therapeutic qualities were widely enumerated in many texts. According to Chinese records, massage was introduced to the West as a method of healing only about 1,000 years ago. Cupping and bleeding are other widely-used procedures. Cupping uses vacuum suction to activate the functions of the organs, while those with excess yang are made to bleed with a seven-star needle to restore balance. The doctor also may suggest changes in the food the patient eats and even the place he lives in. Summer diseases are treated in winter and vice versa. Once the balance is restored the patient is fully cured, but future imbalances may call for a fresh round of treatment. How much of a scientific b...

Why love Poetry? #FamilyLife

Stuart Farrar. To quote Toni Morrison, "If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it", so that's what we did! If you look on Amazon these days for love poems, we're sorry to say that most of what you will spot is anthologies of poetry by other people, and piles of these include what are often referred to as "the classics", which is frequently another way of saying that they're very old. What you may have trouble finding are collections of fresh, modern, original love poetry. And this, to us, is sad, as the issues raised in love poems from centuries ago are doubtless not those relevant to couples nowadays. What do we mean by that? While it's correct that romance and love are eternal, in a large number of households today, both the husband and the wife have no choice but to go out to work, just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, never mind enjoy a few indulgenc...

Modern Zoos, a Necessity?

Zoos are the arks of Noah of our modern time. When the unstoppable floods of humanity cover the surface of the planet, zoos and nature reserves will be the only places where we will still be able to see that once upon a time there were other creatures than man and insects. Why would we want to see other creatures? What we do not know we will not miss, some people may say. The funds needed to maintain animal collections should be spent on human necessities…. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : MODERN ZOOS, A NECESSITY? ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: FX777 BURGERWORLD and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Just Another Word for Migraine - Headache

The pain caused by migraine can be debilitating, but there are ways that will ease it for sufferers. For those who don’t suffer from it, migraine is just another word for headache. For the one in 10 people who do get migraine, it’s debilitating condition, characterized by a searing pain on one side of the head, often with nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, visual disturbances plus, in some cases, temporary paralysis. What’s more, an attack can last from four to 72 hours. Research scientists are continually discovering more about what actually happens in the brain during an attack, and this is helping them to develop more efficient treatments. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : MIGRAINE IS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR HEADACHE ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: FX777 COFFEEWORLD and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find wh...

The Filipino Diaspora Blog and Forum - The Beginning

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

The Thinking About Modern Eugenics

Old Eugenics Poster , originally uploaded by Center for the Study of Ethics at UVU . According to “The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary,” eugenics, the study of methods of protecting and improving the quality of the human race by selective breeding. And, according to Adolf Hitler, “Since the inferior is always numerically superior to the best, the worst would multiply itself so much faster…given the same opportunity to survive and procreate…that the best would necessarily be pushed to the background. Therefore, a correction in favor of the better must be undertaken.” If that infolded quote is from some monster’s Mein Kampf in 1939, consider this: On 14 August 1983 – a year much closer to us than remote Auschwitz – on Singapore’s National Day, the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew “expressed deep concern that a higher proportion of graduate women were remaining single, compared to their less educated counterparts, and that those who married were producing fewer offspring on average.” ...

Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante

Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Parenting Matter Anyone?

Photo source by: Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak on Flickr Have you realized that each one of us, as a parent has a strikingly different approach to bringing up children? This can become a serious issue when children have to be left in the care of others. When it comes to such issues in child rearing; a few ounces of junk foods, an extra hour in watching TV is not going to have a lasting effect, although our children may request those things at home. For countless generations we have listened to children’s heartfelt cries of “but my friend’s Dad lets him do it!” even when friend’s Dad has never done anything of that sort. “Kids can distinguish between different rules in different settings. They know that there are different rules for other homes and for their homes,” says an expert. Sometimes the concerns stem from differences in values. For example, one family might be orthodox or very conservative while the other liberal or the two may simply have beliefs that do not preach quite t...

About Children and Smoking

Children who smoke are more susceptible to coughs and increased phlegm and more prone to chest illness. A recent study revealed that children who smoke are three times more likely to have time off school. The earlier children become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults, the greater their risk of dying prematurely. In terms of fitness, a child who smokes will have poorer cardio-respiratory system and find aerobic exercise more difficult. Smoke articles irritate the lining of the lungs and smoking can reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells. This means that the heart and muscles cannot work as efficiently as they receive less oxygen. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : ABOUT CHILDREN AND SMOKING ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'...

Reflects The Level Of Cleanliness

About the Author Dallas dental sedation is ideal for people who have dental fears or anxiety about visiting the dentist. People who choose to be sedated can eliminate unnecessary stress while receiving treatment. For more details about dallas sedation dentist please visit our website. There are many people facing with different dental issues with the passage of time. This can be mainly considered as the weakening happening towards the personal cleanliness and considering these facts most of the people are trying their level best to get hold of the best dental treatments. It is true that there are many people trying to move by avoiding the treatments as it is going to create lots of discomforts along with the severe pain. It is true that you will be able to overcome the issues by undergoing the treatment in the right way wherein there are many advancements happening in the medical field with the passage of time. There is a new type of dentistry by the name of sedation dentistry a...

Mending a Broken Heart

There is trauma for those who end the relationship as well as those who are rejected. There are guilt feelings, wondering whether you’re doing the right thing, and trying to do it without much fuss. Breaking up, as the song says, is hard to do. Things can get out of hand, quarrels can hasten the split, or a partner simply refuses to see the writing on the wall. Finishing a relationship on a bad note, however, leaves both partners feeling uneasy. Always try to talk things out first. Some people can take years to recover from a broken heart, but once you have got over the initial distress you will find that your feelings of anger, bitterness and even hatred will subside. Once you have understood the inevitability of the break-up, you are on the road to recovery. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : MENDING A BROKEN HEART ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and my other blog: OFW: THIS IS MY LI...

Success Now, Success Always

About the Author Whenever I find myself demotivated or I'm seeking encouragement, I like to read quotes and sayings of highly successful people on success and life. Success is contagious, as you read other people speaking about their success, you cannot help but be positively affected by their energy and enthusiasm. Here are a few fascinating success sayings that I was able to find online that you might read. Being successful is sometimes viewed as achieving a goal or simply getting to a certain stage in life, a position in a social environment or a corporation structure. This kind of viewpoint, that success is a stage, is frequently misleading, the fact is, success is the power to keep going, even with resistance, and by resistance I am talking about both internal or even external resistance, that could be, any situation that pushes you back again or simply prevents your success, whether it's a feeling, emotion, or maybe an external element such as relative or a collea...

Women Talk: Facial Foundation and Powder

Maybelline Pure Makeup Foundation Product Review a photo by cb4me on Flickr. Good make-up begins with an even, well-applied base, and this is produced by careful use of foundation and powder. The foundation provides the background tone and color, and the powder used to set the foundation so that it doesn’t streak or smear. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : WOMEN TALK: FACIAL FOUNDATION AND POWDER ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and one of the member of online community of writers:: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Women Talk: Highlighters

Face make a photo by KNOBBYKNEEz on Flickr. After you have laid base color with foundation and powder, you can emphasize the contours of your face with blushers, shaders and highlighters. These bring life and a shape to your face, emphasizing bone structure and playing down faulty or irregular features. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : WOMEN TALK: HIGHLIGHTERS ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and one of the member of online community of writers:: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Women Talk: Foot Massage and Exercises

self-massage-techniquesjpg-84dc6a463523b3a4 a photo by 3loomi.4ulike on Flickr. Massaging the feet can be delightful and relaxing experience. Massage helps to soothe sore and tired feet by improving the circulation. The massage is even more pleasurable if you use a herbal oil or body lotion. Concentrate on tender areas on the sole, heel, and side of the foot, especially if the feet have been rubbed by shoes that don’t fit properly. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : WOMEN TALK: FOOT MASSAGE AND EXERCISES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and one of the member of online community of writers:: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Women Talk:: Figure Improvement (Part 3)

Attractive twenties caucasian blonde woman exercising , originally uploaded by geomphotography . The best way to enhance the development of your body figure, which you can determine by yourself. Read the 3 parts for a complete routine. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : WOMEN TALK: FIGURE IMPROVEMENT (PART 3) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and one of the member of online community of writers:: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Women Talk: Figure Improvement (Part 2) #FamilyLife

CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : WOMEN TALK: FIGURE IMPROVEMENT (PART 1) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and one of the member of online community of writers:: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

Women Talk:: Figure Improvement (Part 1)

Aerobics in the Beal Garden , originally uploaded by michiganstateu . CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY : WOMEN TALK: FIGURE IMPROVEMENT (PART 1) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained a blog just for you: A LIFE SO FAR AWAY and one of the member of online community of writers:: OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.